Breathe In Justice.


Hey Family, I am offering a transformative healing journey inspired by my lived experience and journey to ancient Egypt (Kemet)


Join the Breathe In Justice Journey

What inspired my transformative justice and healing journey?

As an activist who has spoken out and took action against police brutality in the past 10 years, it is emotionally, physically, and spiritually exhausting to serve from a limited capacity. We all have witnessed an overbearing year(s) of racialized terror, political tensions, and state-sanctioned violence. In response to the community’s need for leadership development, I decided to travel to the cradle of civilization, Egypt (Ancient Kemet), for 2-weeks.

During my healing journey, I will be deepening my practice in Kemetic yoga and various sacred spiritual practices as a mechanism for global change. When I return from the Motherland, I will have the capacity to better serve 15 people seeking community justice, transformative change, and collective healing. It’s time to diversify our practices and refocus our vision for a future that honors our humanity and our collective leadership. Upon my return from Egypt, I am offering 15 journeyers a powerful three-week transformative journey course.

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The “Breath In Justice” 21-day Transformative journey will begin on the anniversary of George Floyd’s death on May 25th in remembrance of his precious life and all of the lives wrongfully taken by police violence. As this traumatic day resurfaces trauma and grievances, it’s essential that you invest in your healing journey now. You deserve to celebrate your own version of justice that you can see, feel, and most importantly begin to heal.

Join the “Breath In Justice” journey as we learn how to breathe stronger, better, and together towards a transformative journey through a series of diverse practices: yoga, guided mediation, free-writing, self-awareness, conversations with global change-makers, and free give-aways. I also will include many sacred lessons I learned from Egypt and the Nubian village. This 21-day virtual course will offer you space and time to go further in your personal journey with a community already contributing to social, political, and spiritual change across the globe.

The #BreatheInJustice Journey will offer you space to:

  • Find your North Star

  • Breathe abundantly and intentionally

  • Shift your mindset to bring about the change you want

  • Share the power of your story

  • Learn directly from activists leading change

  • Incorporate a justice framework into your mission

  • Practice yoga and joyful bodywork weekly

  • Get exclusive content on my trip to Egypt via Instagram

  • Learn how to make a greater impact within community justice

  • (1) 45-minute consultation

  • *Bonus Giveaways* Exclusive Run Like Harriet Merch

Trust yourself and continue your journey with me by your side. Don’t miss this life-changing experience, join now! #BreathInJusticeJourney

If you have any questions about the journey please feel free to email me at

It’s time to reclaim our breath and learn how to breathe again as we move towards justice. In the wake of the Derek Chauvin conviction, finally, we know what it feels like to breathe in fairness, equality, and justice.